DP Motor Naik

DP Motor Naik ? Hal ini tengah berkembang di masyarakat dan menumbuhkan pro kontra tentang kebijakan ini.Kebijakan ini diambil oleh Departemen Keuangan dan Menteri Keuangan dengan dalih bahwa begitu mudahnya mendapatkan sepeda motor dengan cara kredit,hanya dengan Rp.500 ribu orang bisa mendapatkan motor impiannya dengan tidak memperhitungkan kemampuan untuk membayar cicilan kredit kedepannya.Hal inilah yang memicu meningkatnya kredit konsumsi  yang berlebihan di masyarakat.
Dengan dinaikkannya DP motor menjadi 25% akan menurunkan penjualan motor di dealer sekitar 30%,tentu hal ini akan berdampak besar bukan hanya bagi karyawan atau keluarganya akan tetapi masyarakat luas yang mau tidak mau harus sedikit lebih berhemat menanggapi penurunan produksi.
Ok, sekarang mari kita coba melihat dari 2 pandangan Pro ( pro = cepot ) dan Kontra ( kontra = gareng ) dalam sebuah perdebatan:
  • Cepot = " Gw setuju karena dengan dinaikkannya dp motor,kemacetan pasti berkurang".
  • Gareng = " Kang,kemacetan mah jangan selalu dilihat dari banyaknya kendaraan akan tetapi lihatlah dari tata kota dan sistem rambu lalu lintas serta kebiasaan buruk para pemakai jalan,coba liat kalo kita antri dalam sebuah barisan yang rapi dan orang yang mengantri pun saling menghormati maka tidak akan terjadi kemacetan"
  • Cepot = " Ah,justru dengan banyaknya kendaraan akan memakan banyak ruang di jalanan,kan itu faktor utama dalam kemacetan"
  • Gareng = "Volume kendaraan memang banyak,tetapi apakah kendaraan yang banyak atau jalanan yang terlalu sempit?"
  • Cepot = " dengan banyaknya kendaraan memicu banyak kecelakaan"
  • gareng = " kecelakaan lebih diakibatkan oleh kecerobohan dan ketidakpatuhan terhadap lalu lintas,justru dengan banyaknya volume kendaraan maka pemakai jalan harus lebih waspada dalam berkendara."
Itulah sedikit pro dan kontra dari kebijakan DP Motor Naik,ada yang mau menambahkan...? 
ReadmoreDP Motor Naik

No More Adsense Domain Parking

No More Adsense Domain Parking that's what i'm gonna tell you,from my adsense panel i've received some message from adsense,they tell me these :
  1. Adsense Publisher can no longer use hosted domain for getting earnings.starts from february 22,2012.
  2. You will no longer create hosted domain from google.( march 21 )
  3. Hosted domains will become inactive and it will impossible to getting cash from it.( April 18 )
  4. Finally on june 27,Hosted domain feature will no longer available in adsense accounts.

According to this informations,you should get quickly search another hosted domain parking.Adsense was totally evaluated this feature and maybe it's caused by some traffic cheating.To continuing earning i suggest that you have to turn your DNS to another domain parking services
But,Although hosted domain features is no longer available,it won't affect to any other adsense products.So,relax guys.

Namecheap.com - Cheap domain name registration, renewal and transfers - Free SSL Certificates - Web Hosting

For payments issues :
  1. If your earnings exceed the payment threshold, your account will be sent for approval for payment, and payments will be issued through the standard AdSense payment process.
  2. If your earnings do not exceed the payment threshold, but you use other AdSense products, your Hosted domains earnings will be accrued toward payment in a future period when your AdSense account does exceed the payment threshold.
  3. If your earnings do not exceed the payment threshold and you don’t use other AdSense products then the amount of accrued earnings from your hosted domains will remain as a balance in your AdSense account for as long as your account is open.
ReadmoreNo More Adsense Domain Parking

Sepeda Motor Injeksi Irit Harga Terbaik Cuma Honda

Add Logo Honda PGM-FI SEO Competition
Sepeda Motor Injeksi Irit Harga Terbaik Cuma Honda adalah benar-benar sebutanku, sebutan ini pantas aku sandangkan hanya untuk Honda atas Supra x 125 PGM-FI-nya yang dulu pernah kupakai untuk sebuah petualangan seruku bersama Ableh sahabatku. Memang itu bukan motor milikku tetapi setelah aku merasakan betapa iritnya,aku berniat untuk membelinya nanti.  

Ini berawal dari pengalaman yang takkan pernah kulupakan ketika aku dan ableh diberikan tugas untuk mengedarkan surat undangan pernikahan temanku, kami hanya diberikan fasilitas sebuah motor Honda untuk menyelesaikan tugas kami. Baiklah, inilah sebuah cerita petualangan menarik kami bersama Sepeda Motor Injeksi Irit Harga Terbaik Cuma Honda.

Hmmmmz !, matahari pagi yang cerah membuatku terbangun tersadarkan dari lelapnya tidur semalam. Segera setelah terbangun, akupun membuka pintu dan memanaskan air untuk menyeduh kopi hitam kesukaanku.Tak lama Ableh datang ke kontrakanku sambil mengendarai motor Supra x 125 PGM-FI yang aku kagumi karena Supra x 125 PGM-FI adalah Sepeda Motor Injeksi Irit Harga Terbaik Cuma Honda, barulah aku mulai tersadarkan sepenuhnya bahwa hari minggu ini kami harus mulai mengedarkan surat undangan. Kemudian ableh masuk dan mengajak untuk segera berangkat, tak sempat aku ngopi dan mandi hanya sekedar cuci muka dan ganti baju saja,kamipun mulai berangkat.

Ditengah perjalanan kami beristirahat sejenak,waktupun sudah menunjukkan jam satu siang dan surat undangan yang harus kami antarkan tinggal tersisa setengahnya lagi.Kamipun mulai mencari makanan untuk mengisi perut yang lapar,kebetulan disitu ada sebuah jajanan makanan. Selesai makan,aku meminta giliran menyetir motor karena sepanjang perjalanan dibonceng aku merasakan kenyamanan suara mesin yang nyaris tak terdengar dan getaran mesin yang halus. Sebelum kami mulai melanjutkan aku menanyakan tentang sisa bensin yang tinggal 2 baris diatas batas minimum,ableh temanku pun teringat bahwa dia lupa untuk mengisi bensin. Kalau di hitung jaraknya untuk mencapai alamat tujuan nampaknya sangat jauh dan kami harus segera mengisi bensin. Kami sepakat untuk mengisi bensin diperjalanan kalau menemukan SPBU terdekat,sepanjang perjalanan dan hingga kami sampai di alamat tujuan untuk menyelesaikan tugas mengantarkan surat undangan,kami tidak menemukan satupun SPBU.Kami berdua terkejut dan terheran-heran "kok bisa ya ?". Sepulangnya ke rumah, kami benar-benar terkesan dengan kehandalan dari Sepeda Motor Injeksi Irit Harga Terbaik Cuma Honda Supra x 125 PGM-FI ini.

Hari itu kami menjadi saksi teknologi PGM-FI milik Honda Supra x 125 PGM-FI. Pengalaman yang membuatku bangga karena kita sebagai orang indonesia bisa menciptakan sebuah teknologi yang ramah lingkungan dan juga sangat cocok untuk kantong masyarakat indonesia,bukti akan teknologi ini benar-benar menunjukkan bahwa Sepeda Motor Injeksi Irit Harga Terbaik Cuma Honda, Terimakasih Honda,we love Honda.

ReadmoreSepeda Motor Injeksi Irit Harga Terbaik Cuma Honda

Best Money Making Program 2012

This program is probably the easiest program in terms of making money in this program is very easy internet.because in its application and will not disappoint at all.
JSS daily growing rapidly along with the confidence level of individuals who have felt the profit of the JSS-Tripler.Many people succeeded with this one business due to various factors which influence it because it previously had to invest a similar business and close it without reason that the funds were lost just like that , there are some who had turnover and many who do not.

Very familiar with this condition ....

Life is to choose whether to keep moving or stop here depends on each individual, of the risks of each juga.But, explicitly stated as long as we live this life we ​​will be very familiar with the risks, I think we better keep moving and move forward even with all the limitations of the rest without a purpose.

JSS-bussines Tripler is not the best and safest in the world, all businesses takes some record perfect but with a track from 2007 until now with hundreds of thousands of members around the world (the real data, please check the google MBH) and continue growing taken this opportunity, I still love JSS especially love free $ 10 if you join now, it pretty decent for a test drive this business once you have ready to start running? .

Please try with no risk to you plus $ 10 instantly when signup.Click here

ReadmoreBest Money Making Program 2012

Meta Title Tag Edit To be SEO Friendly Blog

Meta Title Tag Edit To be SEO Friendly Blog
Meta Title Tag Edit To Be SEO Friendly Blog | All the mysterious things about SEO certainly will never be constantive,Seo comes with so many tips and tricks that today still remains mystery and no one can be sure everything is absolutely correct, but to be approach it,that's the truth. On this occasion i want to give a little blog seo tips seo blogger with regard to title or the blog header precisely Meta Tag Title Setting specific users of BlogSpot platform for SEO Friendly certainly intended so that your blog is friendly to search engines so that the impact of blogs get better SERPs than before.

For those bloggers who do not know, title tags are the title of the blog or your blog name that is at the very top or can also be seen on the top browser, so if the search engine robots to crawl a website / blog then the title tag that will advance crawled.

This is the weakness of the user's machine where the setting blogspot blogger meta title tag should be done manually unlike the case of other platforms such as wordpress users are all automatic, but not why it can all be solved with a touch of sweetness previous blogger seo experts can all be resolved. :)

The results obtained from setting meta title tag in blogspot to seo friendly is the title of the post / article will come first and then follow the title tag in the blog's main page.

Here are step by step to set Meta Tag Title To Be SEO Friendly Blog :

1. Login account on blogger / blogspot
2. Go to the menu layout / customization
3. Select Edit HTML
4. Backing up data (Download full template) to prevent the event of any     errors. Click here if you want Super SEO Friendly Blogspot Templates
5. Find this code!

<title> <data:blog.pageTitle/> </ title>

6.Delete it then Replace with the code below!

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<title> <data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/> </ title>
<title> <data:blog.pageTitle/> </ title>
</ b: if>

Attentions to red color code of the script that it is the main blog title, the title tag so that its name will appear first post after the new title of the main blog, for example you can see in the picture below:

Meta Title Tag Edit To be SEO Friendly Blog

Abung's SEO is an example of the main title of this seo blog you can change with your own meta title tag like: Great SEO Tips,Steve's SEO,Blogger SEO,etc. But if you want to remove the main title page and want the title of posts / articles are appearing in the search results then please remove the red code.

In the next article I will give more advanced seo tips that make the title more description or keyword meta tag on every page of posts more different. May be useful.
ReadmoreMeta Title Tag Edit To be SEO Friendly Blog

Ebay First Sale Tricks

Sell Whatever On ebay Tricks
There are many seller on ebay that sells whatever on ebay,they get their self on auction list hope the money roll in.But,many of them got their self unsold items.very dramatic huh...!,it can be understand that the sellers on ebay are million and get to billion arround the world recently.How the tricks to get Ebay First Sale ? here i will share you the tricks.
first of all you will gonna need these tools to get your weapons ready when you start listing your items,you can succesfully selling whatever on ebay.as long as i know if you don't have this tools you might have your lists ended with unsold items.well,let's starts with the ebay first sale tricks :
  1. First Point To have your Bases is to get your eBay selling activity on something you love or your hobbies
    That's makes you can sells whatever.To sell on eBay successfully should acts for more than just following a standard rules. Successfull sellers do more than just list a few items and remain hidden behind the Internet's anonymity like proxies server...hehehehe.I say that is a big mistake,you should keep your existancy on ebay markets.
    The power sellers put a little of themselves into each auction to make their buyers comfortable with putting aside their uncertainty about buying
    from a complete stranger,complete communication relationship factor. Thus, the first part of learning to sell on eBay involves finding what is yourself love and what of yourself can put into your auctions list.This step makes the buyers sattisfied with your services,and will bring you more buyers to buy from you, as long as you ask the positif poin from the buyers.
  2. Analyze what the buyers who share you interests are looking for
    What's makes the number one difference between eBay sellers who sell and those who don't? Those who don't sell look for products that they want to sell. Those who succeed at selling look for products that people want to buy.remember to have a lot of fish you should fishing on the hungry fishes not just a millions of fish that don't hungry at all.that makes your sale will quickly start.
    Research is crucial to success on eBay. You can try to search for the best selling items online. Also there are forums dedicated to eBay buyers and sellers, finding the meat of the info should not be a problem at all. 
    Decide how you'll meet your eBay buyers' needs.
  3. Finding products to sell on eBay
    If you're looking for products to sell on eBay, you'll want to check some of the most popular articles on our blogs. You'll learn how to find products to sell that give you the best chance of success on eBay, the ins and outs of drop ship arrangements, as well as learning of some ingenious ways to find products to sell on eBay inexpensively.maybe the public opinion and products surveys will help you a lot.
  4. Create best design of your auctions to build an ongoing relationship with your eBay buyers,that why you gonna needs these tools
     Buyers are more likely to buy what you sell on eBay when they feel comfortable with you as a seller. Learn to build a relationship with your viewers and you'll sell more. Also, keep in mind that eBay has a reputation system to keep track of separating the good dealers from the inexperienced ones. You should aim to build up your reputations points for a good flow of trades to get yourself become an ebay powerseller.
  5. Start promoting your auctions to attract new buyers,and these tools will help you to. 
     Promoting your items on eBay
    Analyze how to promote your products on eBay through an eBay tool that many sellers still don't use as effectively as they could. You can also build your own website plus these tools to make better sales. They can aid you to make your customers take a good look at the items or have the feeling that they can have a  better guarantee of the deal, Also, you can let them see what items that are related to what they are buying, thus, an upsell, which gives you more income in the long run.
Maybe These are the things that you need to know when you want to succesfully selling whatever on ebay and to start ebay first sale.You can try to think of this later when you see how the system works and try to merge these ideas in your new place to sell. Learning to vend any of your items is really not a problem when you have the right tools for the trade. Success stories might seem so overrated, try to focus to yourself and try to be realistic on how you can make the trade, it is just likely to be the same with the real world selling, except with thousands of people around the world can actually buy them.

special thanks to :
adopted from most favorite blogs http://articlesmoneymakingtips.blogspot.com/2011/12/tips-succesfully-selling-whatever-on.html

ReadmoreEbay First Sale Tricks

Chitika Maps Search Places And Get Paid

online maps technology
Recently, i got an email from chitika,their sent me an email to notifying some new feature...here's the email that sent to me. this features is called Chitika Maps Search Places And Get paid


We want to invite you to try out our newest creation: Chitika Maps [Beta] - A full-featured mapping service. While other services are beginning to charge for map usage starting in 2012, our brand new maps are free to use. What's more - we'll pay you to use them.

We'll Pay You to Use Our Maps. [ Search Places And Get Paid ]

Chitika provides a profitable solution for publishers looking for alternative map providers. Users can opt to include ads within the map units, helping to further monetize traffic on their site. Chitika Maps gives you the opportunity to tap into a new revenue stream!

Our maps include a variety of features not available with other map services, including:
Chitika Maps compared with Google Maps:

 This is some new features that almost all website trying to give some  services based on the maps technology,like chitika maps search places ans Get paid
well,with these features we can have plenty ofservices that we can use to locate our or some body else locations.
here i give you the example when the code placed on my blogs
come on and use the services here chitika maps

ReadmoreChitika Maps Search Places And Get Paid

New Premium Adsense Ready WP Themes

Bloggers who seeking the money on the internet certainly needs some effective tools to get the strategies gone well,Mostly if we builds the site we needs some good design to have more clicks on our ads,this design makes some strategic placing the ads easier to have clicks from the visitors.Here I will share the newpremiumadsensereadywpthemes=[npresenwpme] for the wordpress cms users.
For The Guidance of using this design i have packed with the main subject for you to downloadthemall . On the case of non-adsense account,there's still enough setting to get your own ads running well.
After the wp theme are plugged in you can start configured the adsense account setup.And the start promoting your web with my fascinating tricks of Quick Tricks To A Higher PageRanks
For The best results try to make some good backlink on the site that comprehens with the title.

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