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online maps technology |
We want to invite you to try out our newest creation: Chitika Maps [Beta] - A full-featured mapping service. While other services are beginning to charge for map usage starting in 2012, our brand new maps are free to use. What's more - we'll pay you to use them.
We'll Pay You to Use Our Maps. [ Search Places And Get Paid ]
Chitika provides a profitable solution for publishers looking for alternative map providers. Users can opt to include ads within the map units, helping to further monetize traffic on their site. Chitika Maps gives you the opportunity to tap into a new revenue stream!
Our maps include a variety of features not available with other map services, including:
- Monetize your map with integrated ad pins
- Unlimited Usage
- Hourly Location Updates
- Directions (coming soon!)
This is some new features that almost all website trying to give some services based on the maps technology,like chitika maps search places ans Get paid
well,with these features we can have plenty ofservices that we can use to locate our or some body else locations.
here i give you the example when the code placed on my blogs
come on and use the services here chitika maps

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